Recycling Changes

Service Junk Removal Shred Sharps Dumpster Rental Water Delivery Other Recycling Household Hazardous Waste Self Haul

As of March 1, 2018, our Curbside Comingled/Mixed Recycling blue cart made changes to acceptable itemsGoing forward, the only acceptable Plastics are BOTTLES/JUGS ONLY.  Check the neck - the opening must be smaller than the base! Shredded paper has also been eliminated from Mixed Recycling.

All other recyclables will stay the same.  Go to our printables page for the latest Waste 101 guide to Newport's recycling.  We have communicated this change through direct mail and email (if provided) with our customers, news release to local newspaper and radio, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, as well as our website.

At Thompson's, we are committed to our recycling efforts. Please "Recycle Right" so we can keep our recycling market viable.

Here is a list of documents/articles to help understand recycling changes:

Oregon's Plastic Pollution and Recycling Modernization Act

Flyer to TSS Customers 3-01-18

Letter to TSS Customers 2-26-18

China Recyclables Ban

Article: China No Longer Wants Your Trash

Article: China bans Import of Foreign Waste

Article: 3 Things You Should Never Put Out for Curbside Recycling

Article: A giant wave of plastic garbage could flood the U.S.

Article: Where Will Your Plastic Trash Go Now That China Doesn't Want It?

FAQ Recycling Center

FAQ from Recycling Processors

Recycling in Oregon, Feb 2018

ORRA List of Acceptable Comingled/Mixed Recycling Items

Powerpoint Presentation, Current Recycling Status as presented to the Newport City Council 3-5-18